Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Nutty sausages with red onion marmalade and broad bean tops

Cream of asparagus soup as we had such lovely weather the last couple of days that the asparagus have grown like mushrooms!

Melendra turning the asparagus into velvety creamy soup
Every time I buy sausages there is a lot of packaging to go with it, so when I found this recipe, I tried it for taste and think it is a winner. Let's see what the others think of it.

Shirley came over from the US to visit her daughter  and joined us today
The first vegetarian Sausage turned out well
A sausage making 'machine'
Meghan is in charge of frying the sausages
Mash potatoes, vegetarian sausages with red onion marmalade and broadbean tops
with red onion marmalade and broad bean tops.

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