Simone brought a Waitrose recipe card for a PSB dish which I tried and slightly amended to a vegetarian version.

Ingredients (serves 2)
2 eggs
160 gr PSB spears
1 large leek, thinly sliced
2 tsp curry powder
100 gr basmati rice
200 ml vegetable stock
1/2 lemon zest and juice
Handful of chopped dill.
Some finely chopped smoked zucchini
smoked paprika
Boil the rice as per instruction on packet.
Cook the eggs in cold water. when it starts to boil, leave to boil for 5 minutes so they come out not too soft nor to hard and dry. Cool under running cold water and set aside. Steam the PSB with a little salt (3 minutes)
Slice the leek and saute with the smoked zucchini in a little oil until soft . Add the curry powder and cook for 1 minute. Mix Rice, leek, zucchini and curry powder, dill and lemon and leave to stand for 2 minutes while you peel and chop the eggs. Divide the rice on the plates and top with the PSB and eggs. Sprinkle the eggs with a little smoked paprika and serve.
The making of the meal was done very quickly as many hands make light work.

We then had a lovely meal together. For those who might like to have a non vegetarian option, you can add some flaked smoked haddock through the rice. The end result even without the fish was delicious.

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