Monday 11 May 2020

Sag Aloo with rice

So lovely looking back at what we did last year around this time.  on the 6th May 2019,June,
 Megan, Olivia, Violet, Liz, Rozenn and I had a lovely time. I thought I make this meal again, and savour not only the food but also the memories.

The perpetual spinach is about to go in flower so we harvested what there was to turn into Sag Aloo with chickpeas. Meghan brought Olivia and Violet who were great helpers.  We also picked some m lemon balm  to put in the dessert but the violets, calendula and borage were to  decorate our lemon mousse.

finely chopping the lemon balm

Back at home, the chopping started.

Flowers picked by Violet

As a dessert we used the chickpea water to turn into lemon mousse.

The Sag Aloo turned out really well.  We had it with rice and flat bread.

A very productive morning

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Lilac cake

I saw Diana' Henry's Lavender cake in the House and Garden online article and thought to make it, with lilac instead and when later in the season the lavender is blossoming, I will try it too.

Hip Hip Horaay! From Spade to Plate is 3 year old this week.

This post was first aired on 14/5/2018

Hip Hip Horaay! We are 3 this week

I am celebrating it with a freshly made mock Rhubarb Bubbly!

 Rhubarb cordial.  Two years ago we made some vegan rhubarb fool out of the left overs.
Today however I made a rhubarb crumble with it.

With so much spinach (beet) in need of eating, we made this
Spinach torte a filling meal. As in total it takes 50 mins to make, We started this pie and whilst in the oven we went to the allotments for a stroll. We pick the lettuce to accompany the meal from the back garden.

 Rhubarb cordial. We made some vegan rhubarb fool out of the left overs.

Corn chowder

Today I am transplanting the first sweetcorn of this season. I love the cobs fresh in the field. No cooking, just the juicy fresh kernels on a hot summers day.
I had so many last year that I could not eat them all at that time so I froze a large amount of them.
Being in lockdown and clearing out the freezer, I found the last of them and looked for a tasty recipe.
I found this chowder so that is lunch sorted.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Asparagus are ready!

We already had a couple of handfuls of asparagus, one handful went to Mike as he LOVES them and this is a real first of the season treat.

The other handful I used to make this Asparagus soup  It is simple to make and very tasty too.

Lilac uses

These recipes were first posted on 1/5/2019.
I have updated  it As the last 3 weeks have been un seasonally warm and dry, the lilac blossom is peering over the fence.

I miss cooking it with Melendra, Sayaka, Simone, Tina and Yasmin so will be doing it for Mark and myself, and maybe it inspires others to try it out.

So  I did the lilac syrup which turned pretty pink when mixed with sparkling water.
As a main course we had the Asparagus and lemon orzo (it was a little on the salty side) but found out later that we had forgotten to add the dressing. Believe it or not, it was still a lovely meal..

Because of the last warm weeks, the chard is starting to bolt so I made a soup with this spinach tasting vegetable.  It was lovely to mix with frozen peas as well. With it, we also made a basic bread roll using the potato yeast which I made over night.  With a shortage of dried yeast this is a great find.

As a desert we had our lilac biscuit.