Tuesday 25 June 2019

The Chickpea theme

As last week I needed some aquafaba to make vegannaise, I have a lot of chickpeas to be used.

We therefore are going to make a Curried Chickweed with Chickpeas and rice with a green salad  and as a desert a chickpea brownies.

As a juice we will make a summer fruit cordial with strawberries, red and black currants and some josta berries.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

What a disappointing onion harvest - Lets do something positive with it

With the leek moth very busy in our garden, it not only affected the garlic but also the onion harvest, There is no way that I can keep this onions for any length of time. It is for this reason that I decided to turn most of the onions into a delicious French Onion Soup we baked bread to top with mature cheddar cheese and put it under the grill and let it float ontop of the soup.  It turned out well and we all enjoyed the soup very much.

The rest of the onions, I prepared by taking off the outer layers and disposed of the occasional leek moth 'speck' and sliced  and froze them for use in the following weeks.

As the oven was on today, we also made bran and raisin loaves in jars.

It was a very jolly afternoon, lots of chatting and arranging to meet up for arts classes with Carmen and general socialising. So nice that the group is gelling so well.

Monday 10 June 2019

A Vegan day

After a full day of raining, the grape vine has grown new shoots as we speak. Time to prune and turn the leaves into delicious domas.

I also noticed that the new potatoes are ready to be harvested so decided to turn them into a new potato salad.

Although the rain was pounding down all through the morning (and afternoon) we had a wonderful meal together.