The filo pastry recipe was very good. I made the dough before the group came, as it needed an hour to rest before using. We all had a go making the pastry and then use it to make the samosas

As a salad will be make a couscous salad out of the 1st cookery book.
incorporating, the peppers, cucumber and onions out of the garden and the pesto we make from carrot toppings

We used this recipe for the pesto but added a large spoon ful of nutritional yeast.
As a desert we made some apple crumblies, a recipe I got from Monique in Nottingham. We had it with a dollop of yoghurt but it can be eaten on its own.

Apple crumblies
6 oz margarine
6 oz SR flour
6 oz semolina
3 oz sugar
1 lb apples
4 oz sugar
2 oz sultanas
½ tbs cinnamon
7 ½ inch tin
Melt margarine, stir in flour and semolina and sugar.
½ mixture in tin. Put apples and sugar in pan. Cover and cook add sultanas and cinnamon
Boil for 3 mins until thick. Spread over the mixture. Leave 1” from edge. Crumbs rest of the mixture on top.
Bake for 30 mins.