Afterwards we went to the allotment to pick the mint and purple sprouting broccoli.

The asparagus are ready to be harvested and thought it might be nice to start the season off with a asparagus risotto. served with purple sprouting broccoli with melted butter and lemon juice.

The lilac is in full bloom and is filling the air with its sweet scent. We harvested a few blooms to turn this sweet smell into a sweet drink

Preparing the petals was a joyous activity, relaxing and almost meditative, whilst being surrounded by a sweet scent and above all lovely friends.

As dessert we made a lilac cheesecake mousse and adaptation of the lemon cheesecake mousse.
Using the lilac syrup and lemon juice for taste, decorated with mint leaves and some lilac petals.

Not only did the mousse take great, but it looked delightful too.

This session was first posted 23/4/2019
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