A chilly morning followed by a gloriously sunny morning. It always is a sign of autumn being on the way.
Walking by 203VR I noticed that eating apples are ready, so armed with picker and wheelbarrow I set off to return 1 hour later with a barrow full of delicious eating apples. I managed to tidy up the garden and pavement in time to see Sandy and Brice have a chat and be home in time to turn this lovely produce into 20 litres of gorgeous apple juice.
As my wheelie bin was full (of blighted tomatoes😞, I emptied one from the allotments (had trimmings from the garden in it so used it as a base layer for the next compost row) and took it home to fill with the pressing left overs. (checked with Linda if that would be fine)
I returned later to give D and Ron, and Margaret a bottle of apple juice and as I saw David on the way there, gave him some juice too. Could not have been any fresher. (well, the juice I drank when pressing was the best of course, such a treat!)
As on Sunday we have our annual bring and share in the allotment, I went to pick all the eating apples of Alyson T's tree. She does not harvest them as she does not like them much, so thought to mix them with the crate I took of Fernando's cooking apple tree to make a truly local juice. I will turn them into juice tomorrow with Ruth's children and some members of the Cambridge Abundance group.
Should be a nice occasion, always very sociable.
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