The tree was laden and Alison told me that this is an annual event. She received the tree from her mum when she moved in. She grew the tree from a pip from a pear she bought from the supermarket.
Did not know that it could be so successful, will try it as well. watch this space.
She also had a passion fruit plant full of fruit. I always wanted to have one as the flowers are so beautiful and the fruit so decorative. It turns out the the fruit is edible, don't eat the skill, just the pips. They are sweet and crunchy a bit like a pomegranate. Delicious.
A few weeks later Alison had dropped a little cutting off at my house. Although I had not room yet for this plant, I hope to plant it in my new garden on Victoria Road. next year.
on 1/7/2017 we took some pictures of the cutting.
It is in bloom and it even has some fruit on it! Will have to wait for a while for the fruit to ripen and see if it tastes as good as it looks, fingers crossed as signs are promising
On 27th August we started eating the fruit. One a day for with our breakfast.
Lovely sweet and giving a bit of a crunch

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