This morning I was told that blight has arrived in the allotment, I have cut away excess leaves on the tomatoes and made this potion to hopefully stop this from catching my crop.
This weed thrives in our heavy clay soil as it has saved an entire potato crop from the dreaded blight.
Horsetail has powerful antifungal properties that are effective on blight and other fungal infections (in both humans and plants!)

Here’s the recipe we used:
1. In a large glass or stainless steel pot, mix 1/8 cup of dried horsetail leaves in 4 1/2 litres of unchlorinated water
2. Bring to a boil, and simmer for 1/2 hr.
3. Cool, strain, bottle and label. The infusion will keep for a month which is long enough for you to keep reapplying to your crop. Any left overs can be used as a wonderful hair rinse.
4. To use, dilute the 1 part horsetail concentrate to 5-10 parts unchlorinated water. Spray infected plants once every week or two in dry weather or daily if it is raining.