Thursday, 6 October 2016


On my way to my friends Simin and Elsa, I found an abundance of nuts and fruit.
It was a glorious day, sun was shining with a slight feel of autumn in the air.
First I went to Simin to return her empty jar after finishing her delicious apple and ginger compot gift, which she gave last weekend as part of the Bring and Share event.

On the way there I noticed that the walnut tree on the corner with Akeman street and Stretten Ave was dropping its nuts. I picked up the ones on the pavement and the very kind builder who was working next door gave me some more handfuls. I was very grateful as I eat them every day in my salads. I better dig out my nut cracker so I can enjoy them in the months to come.

A few minutes later I arrived at Simin's on Lexington Close and when I was looking for a place to park my bike, I noticed a hazel across the road. No more nuts on the tree but on the ground I managed to collect a few hand fulls of nuts the squirrels had not eaten yet. With great excitement I have taken them home to see if the squirels knew something I did not.

The result: not one usable nut, the squirrels new better!

Then I went to see Elsa on Windsor Road, we had a lovely lunch and for afters went into the garden to finish picking the beautiful cooking apples on her tree. So great that Elsa has an apple picking stick as we managed to pick 3 large bags of unblemished apples  ready to store and turn into juice later next week.  Whilst picking we noticed that her neighbour still had some plums on their tree. Not many as most were rotting on the floor, but after finishing the apple picking we sat in the sunshine and enjoyed the taste of the last 4 perfect unblemished and sweet plums.  What a joy!